
Oct 27, 2013

11/2 Mt Baden-Powell

왕복거리 (마일)8.0
Trailhead 해발고도6593'
Mt. Baden-Powell 9399'
마일당 등반높이 700'
  • 산행목적지:   Mt. Baden-Powell 정상.
  • 만나는 장소:  Vincent Gap Parking Lot (click) 시간:  9:30am
  • 중간만나는 지점: 138번/15번도로 McDonalds/9시 (주소: 3230 Wagon Train Road, Phelan, CA (click) )
  • 산행거리:       왕복 8마일 (자세한 것은 표를 참조)
  • 유의사항:       파킹할 때 Adventure Pass 부착, Crampon (눈이 있을 수 있음)

10/26 산행앨범 (Winter Creek Loop: Big Santa Anita Canyon)

Oct 21, 2013

10/26 Big Santa Anita Canyon

산행지: Big Santa Anita Canyon

만나는 장소와 시간: Chantry Flat Parking Lot, 오전 9시

카풀장소: Arcadia REI Parking Lot, 오전 8:30

Oct 6, 2013

Fall colors of Bishop on 10/5/2013

Date: 10/5/2013
Locations: North Lake, Lake Sabrina, South Lake
Note: Fall colors are not as impressive as past years. Both Lake Sabrina and South Lake don't have enough water exposing the lake bottom. All the public restrooms are closed due to government shutdown.