
Apr 8, 2014

2014 Summer JMT backpacking trip

산행지: Ansel Adams Wilderness (Silver Lake) to Yosemite Wilderness (Tuolumne Meadows)
기간: 2014년 7월 22일-25일 (3박 4일)
트레일:  JMT 2번째 구간,약 30마일, Silver Lake to Thousand Island Lake to Tuolumne Meadows
인원: 6명

Day 1 (7/22 화): 5.5 miles, +2000 ft

오전 9시: Lone Pine에 있는 Eastern Sierra Interagency Visitor Center에서 Permit pickup.
(LA에서 여기까지, 4시간가량 걸리므로 새벽 5시쯤에는 출발해야함. 여기서 Silver Lake까지는 2시간 가량.
오후 1시: Silver Lake의 Rush Creek Trailhead(7200ft) 에서 산행시작.
5시: Gem Lake (9200ft), 캠핑. campsites (campfire, yes) in the west of Gem Lake at the at the junction of trails for Waugh Lake and Clark Lakes, (5.5마일, 2000피트)

Day 2 (7/23 수): 5 miles, +1500 ft

오전 8시: 출발, Gem Lake를 반시계 방향으로 돌아서 Clark Lakes를 지나 Thousand Island lake (9600-9700ft)로 (5 마일, 1500+ ft). Waugh Lake로 가는 trail로 택하면 Thousand Island Lake까지7마일.
12시: Clark Lakes 에 도착, 점심, (Thousand Island Lake 까지 2마일-오르락 내리락길)
4시-5시: Thousand Island Lake에 도착해서 캠핑.

Day 3 (7/24 목): 9 miles, +2000, - 2000 ft

오전 8시, Thousand Island Lake (9650ft)를 출발, Donahue Pass(11050ft)를 넘어서, Upper Lyell Canyon의 나무다리 (foot bridge, 9660ft) 까지. 9 마일 +2000 ft, -2000 ft.
오후 4시 도착, 캠핑.

Starting from Thousand Island Lake:
1.5 mile 550 ft up to Island Pass(10200ft),
1.5 mile 550 ft down to the JCT (9652ft)of JMT and Rush Creek Trail to Waugh Lake
3.5 mile 1400ft up to Donahue Pass (11050ft)
3.5 mile 1400ft down to the foot bridge (9660 ft), Upper Lyell Canyon, McClure Lake/Creek - Triple Divide-Yosemite (Lower Lyell Canyon에는 곰을 만날 확률이 더 크다고 함.)

Day 4 (7/25 금): 10 miles, -1000 ft
오전 8시 출발 Lyell Canyon to Tuolumne Meadows (8620 ft)
오후 3시 반까지 도착.
If arrived earlier, we can take a shower at Tuolumne Meadows Lodge (between noon and 3pm)/
Take the free,Tuolumne Meadows Shuttle Bus to Tuolume Meadows Store (west)/
Take the Yarts Bus (double-check the schedule and fare ($6), Bus stop #219 at Tuolumne Meadows Store at 8:20am, 4:15pm or 6:50pm) back to Silver Lake (Stop #211, Rush Creek Trailhead, about 1 hour)/

* Topo maps (in pdf)
   Rush Creek Trailhead to Gem Lake
   Gem Lake to Thousand Island Lake
   Thousand Island Lake to Tuolume Meadows

** the campsite reserved for 7/26 should be canceled ( Silver Lake Campground (site 005) )
Notes: Permit Pickup Instructions: Deadline: Confirm your group size online to hold your reservation for late arrival or your reservation will be canceled at 10 a.m. on the trip entry date. References: Permit Pickup Instructions   Silver Lake to Thousand Island Lake Tuolumne Meadows to Silver Lake  Silver Lake to Tuolumne Meadows    Campfire Restriction maps around Gem Lake and Thousand Island Lake


Silver Lake to Tuolumne Meadows

EveryTrail - Find hiking trails in California and beyond --------

(Gem Lake 왼편으로 스위치백으로 올라가는 경우-shorter but harder)

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